Covers the ideas and social turmoil that marked this transition as well as the machines, manufacturing processes and energy sources that spurred it on.
from _Industrial Revolution Reference Library_. Ed. James L. Outman, Matthew May, and Elisabeth M. Outman. Vol. 2: Biographies. Detroit, MI: UXL, 2003. p8-15
from _Industrial Revolution Reference Library_. Ed. James L. Outman, Matthew May, and Elisabeth M. Outman. Vol. 3: Primary Sources. Detroit, MI: UXL, 2003. p34-44.
from: _Gilded Age and Progressive Era Reference Library_, edited by Lawrence W. Baker and Rebecca Valentine, vol. 2: Biographies, UXL, 2007, pp. 221-228. Gale Virtual Reference Library,
Very basic introductory article. is run by the Independence Hall Organization of Philadelphia. They also have articles on Andrew Carnegie and J.P. Morgan
from _Industrial Revolution Reference Library_. Ed. James L. Outman, Matthew May, and Elisabeth M. Outman. Vol. 2: Biographies. Detroit, MI: UXL, 2003. p95-105.
Source: Press for Conversion! magazine, Issue # 53, "Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism," March 2004. Published by the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade [Canada].