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Summer Reading 2018

Home Page for Summer Reading 2018, including book selection guide, topic support materials, and more!

The Theme 2017

Social Justice -

Feminism * #MeToo * Anti-Racism * #BlackLivesMatter * Gender * Hate Crime * Gang-intervention * Refugees & Immigrants * Civil Rights * Justice System *

Social Justice: Justice in Action is the theme for the 2018 Summer Reading List. Each book deals with one or more issues of injustice in society in some way, with a focus on actions taken to combat that injustice and bring about positive change. Additionally, most of the books feature teens acting for social justice.

We chose this theme because of the social justice mission of the Catholic Church and the importance of student activism.  Topics were chosen for their relevance to prominent current examples of injustice.

Below, you will find more information about this year's theme.

Details on the Theme