Caught for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, 18-year-old Naeem is recruited by the NYPD to "watch" (or go looking for suspicious activity in the Muslim community). Set in modern day New York City, this book is both current, and realistic.
What to Know About the Book Before You Read It.
Main Character, Naeem, is an 18-year-old Bangladeshi Muslim immigrant.
This is the most "realistic" of our fiction choices.
It was a runner up for the "Walter" Award for Diversity in YA literature in 2017.
SEE BELOW for more background, relevance, etc.
details on the "Demographics Unit"
Marina Budhos talks about Watched.
Consider these questions as you are reading your book. Having answers to them, with quotations from the book (cite page number) as supporting evidence will be very helpful when it is time to discuss and assess your reading.
1. When was your book written? When does it take place? How does that compare to 2017?
2. Who holds power or authority in your book?
3. How does technology affect the daily lives of the characters in your book?
4. What kinds of information or media is communicated in your book? -- News? Advertising? Entertainment? Education? Propaganda? etc?