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Central Catholic High School
English III - IV (Non Thesis)
Debate [Wallenius 2022]
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English III - IV (Non Thesis): Debate [Wallenius 2022]
Guides for Research Projects (other than Thesis) in Upper-Level English classes, including Honors and AP, and Electives
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Country Research (Eng IV)
Sargasso Sea (AP)
Early 20th Century Creative Non-Fiction (Ferguson)
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Debate [Wallenius 2022]
Cancel Culture
Cancel Culture [SIRS]
Pro and Con for "Does Cancel Culture Harm or Benefit Society?"
Requires password off campus.
Cancel Culture [GALE Opposing Viewpoints]
Background information, articles, viewpoint essays, and more.
Americans and ‘Cancel Culture’: Where Some See Calls for Accountability, Others See Censorship, Punishment [PEW Research]
PEW is a non partisan research group.
Instagram and Mental Health
Social Media [SIRS]
"Do the positive aspects of social media sites outweigh the negatives?"
Internet Censorship [SIRS]
"Should governments and private companies block access to sites deemed inappropriate?"
Mental Health [SIRS]
"Does society's view of mental health issues prevent people from seeking help?"
School Schedules
School Schedule [SIRS]
Should the time students spend in school be extended?
Education Reform [SIRS]
Have the education reform laws enacted this century raised the quality of education in the United States?
Homework [SIRS]
Should homework be abolished?
School Start Times [GALE Opposing Viewpoints]
Topic guide including background, articles, viewpoint essays, and more.
School Reform [GALE Opposing Viewpoints]
Students and Homework [GALE Opposing Viewpoints]
Students and Grades [Gale Opposing Viewpoints]
Standardized Testing
Educational Tests and Measurments [SIRS]
Pro and Con on the question "Are standardized tests the best way to measure how well a school is doing?"
Requires password off campus.
Standardized Testing [GALE Opposing Viewpoints]
Topic page with links to articles, essays, overviews, and more.
Requires password off campus.
Economic Inequality [SIRS]
"Should the rich pay more in taxes?"
Taxation [SIRS]
"Should tax loopholes be closed?"
Income Inequality [GALE Opposing Viewpoints]
topic page with background, articles, viewpoint essays, and more.
America's Wealthy [GALE Opposing Viewpoints]
Topic page with background, articles, viewpoint essays, and more.
Debate Tips
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