DISCLAIMER: These resources are provided for research and study purposes and not mean to diagnose or treat any ailment. If you find yourself in need of Mental Health Care, please seek out help immediately.
Library Databases offer high quality, sourced, information.
Reminder: off-campus passwords are on your Utility Period Canvas Page. Some have changed since last year.
Hover over the black "i" icon for more information about a site.
Note: The reports and data that you find on .gov websites is pretty trustworthy, however, the content visible on government sites can be subject to the whim of the administration.
BEWARE of website-length advertisements for specific treatments, treatment centers, or programs. While these could have good information, it is better to track that information to its original source.
BEWARE of sites and posts attempting to prey on the vulnerable. There's nothing stopping people from trying to take advantage of people dealing with mental health issues online.
Disorder Specific Sites and Foundations
Note: Not all non-profit (.org) sites are created equally. ".org" only means the site owners are, traditionally, not a profit-based company, it is not an indicator of credibility. Use the databases and NIH/NIMH/NINDS/SAMHA/APA sources first.
As you are evaluating the information a foundation selects to appear on its site, be diligent in looking for information about the various "Foundations" outside of the organization's page: