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English I-II: Immigration: Sun is Also a Star

General information for English I and II classes (including Honors), as well as specific research pages for projects or topics

Library Databases

Gale Opposing Viewpoints / Global Issues in Context - "Immigration"

Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Click to go to the "Immigration" site on Opposing Viewpoints.

Global Issues in Context
Click to go to "Immigrants and Immigration" on Global Issues in Context

EBSCO Points of View Reference Center


Search box automatically searches for "Immigration".

See Specific Pages for: "Immigration Restrictions" , "U.S. Borders", "National ID Cards, " "Border Wall", "Sanctuary Cities"

SIRS Issues Researcher

Sirs Issues Researcher

Click for Pro/Con analysis, plus additional sources on "Acculturation & Assimilation," "Anti-Immigrant Movement," "Human Smuggling," "Identity Cards," "Illegal Immigration," "Jobs for Immigrants," "Refugees," "U.S.-Mexico Border Wall".

GALE Library Databases for News and Events

Gale Infotrac Newsstand provides access to Full-Text from over 1600 Newspapers and 400 Newswires, including the New York Times and Washington Post.

Global Issues in Context

Fantastic resource for broad, up-to-date, content on current issues.
ProQuest eLibrary

News Media Outlets

Major World News Outlets

Including newspapers and networks with global coverage.

Partisan News Sites

Note: The Editorial Boards (separate from news reportage) of some sites above may also have partisan slants.  Media Literate readers understand the separation between Editorial Boards and News Reporting.

If you need help identifying bias and quality, this "Media Bias Chart" by Vanessa Otero, is very helpful.

Oregonian Online

Oregonian Online Access

We have license for up to 60 simultaneous users with this link. See CANVAS (RamsCentral>Library) for username and password.

SIRS RSS Feeds - Immigration


Most recent articles on several immigration topics.

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