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English I-II: Greek Mythology [Hon. 9th]

General information for English I and II classes (including Honors), as well as specific research pages for projects or topics

eReference Books


The History Channel

Crash Course: Greek and Roman Pantheons

Websites for Greek Mythology

A note on Website Quality:  The sites that are of decent quality can be clunky to use, and  some  of the ones that are easy to use/navigate have lesser quality for advanced research. There are many websites with names that are variations of "" or "", etc. that mostly regurgitate the same content (often from wikipedia), and many of these sites really exist to get you to look at advertising. Don't judge a website by its name.

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Clilck here for a Greek Gods and Goddesses print resource list in the Library Catalog
Note: Many of these books are already on a cart for you to use.
The Dewey Decimal Number for Greek Mythology is 292.13 .

Library Databases

Reminder: Passwords for using the Databases from off campus are located on your Utility Period course page on Canvas

Encyclopedia Britannica

Search for your God or Goddess, or look at this general article on Greek Mythology.

Gale Databases

Search for your God or Goddess

Gale Student Resources in Context has a full Topic page about "Greek Mythology", which includes reference book articles and more.

History Reference Center
