PASSWORDS for using Databases from Home are on a Google Document.
They are not posted directly on this page: You will need to be logged in to your Central Catholic gmail account to access them using the Link below.
Library Databases are subscription collections (i.e. things that we pay to access) of research sources including: Periodical (Magazine, Newspaper, Trade Journal, Scholarly Journal) articles, electronic Reference Books, Images, Videos, Primary Documents and more.
So why do we pay for them when Google and the Web exist?
PASSWORDS for using Databases from Home are on this secure Google Doc
PASSWORDS for using Databases from Home are on this secure Google Doc
If you have problems with a database log-in from home, here are some tips to help you trouble-shoot on your own (which is an excellent skill for college and life).
After you've tried some of these options, if you are still having trouble...
Contact your Librarian. On any "Digital Learning Days" the Central Catholic High School Librarian will be reachable via email. When you contact the librarian, please include the following information...
CLICK HERE, or use the Link below to find the passwords. They are not posted directly on this page. You must Log-in to your CCHS gmail account.
WHY USE GALE? Gale offers several different databases, including the "In Context" and "Resource Center" Databases, which group many different kinds of sources (Articles, Images, Primary Documents, Pro/Con essays, etc) by TOPIC. For Argumentative/Persuasive papers on current issues "Opposing Viewpoints" is the gold-standard.
Best Starts for Topic-based (Honors) or Action Research (College Prep)
Useful for Issues-based research. Organized by topic
General Academic Search Databases. Great for casting a broad net on a variety of topics. "In Context" databases are organized by topic
Specific Area Databases. Useful if your topic deals with a specific discipline, industry, profession etc.
WHY USE SIRS Knowledge Source?: We have two SIRS databases: Issues Researcher organizes multiple content types by "Current Issue" Topics in a PRO/CON format, which is great for finding information for Argumentative / Persuasive communication. Government Reporter covers topics related to Policy, Procedure, and other workings of the US. Government
WHY USE EBSCO DATABASES? Ebsco has our largest collection of Scholarly/Academic Journals, Popular Magazines, and Newspapers. For Argumentative/Persuasive resources, try TOPICSearch.