Check the "World News" tab or click here for information on how to sign up.
M-F: 7:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
Late Start: 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
(Google Doc requires a CCHS Google Account)
NoveList is a book recommendation database. Not all books in NoveList are in our catalog, but if you see something you think should be, use the Library Materials Request links to let us know!
Reminder: NoveList is an EBSCO Database; to use it from home you need a password.
Your default password is your 6-digit student ID.
Fiction, Non-Fiction, Biography: 3 weeks
Literary Criticism: 1 week
Reference: 1 night
The patron that borrows an item from the library is responsible for returning that item in good condition.
When materials are overdue, patrons will be notified with weekly reminders delivered to their English classes. Upon the fourth notice, students with materials more than 3 weeks overdue will be assessed a detention.
Fines are not assessed for overdue materials. Patrons will be billed a fair replacement cost for materials that are lost, or damaged beyond usefulness. In cases where this is an undue hardship, the library will work with the patron to resolve the issue.