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Health & Wellness: Personal Interest Project (Wellness II)

General information for Health, Wellness, & Psychology classes, plus pages for specific projects and assignments.

eReference Books

eReference Books from Gale

Use the link below to access a selection of ebooks on health and wellness topics. Browse the list of titles or do searches across the collection for your topic.

Some topics include: Teen Mental Health, Drugs, Diseases and Vaccines, Nutrition, Sport Science, Human Developent, Cultural impacts on health, and more.

Some Sample eBooks.

These are examples of a few different eBooks that may be of interest for this project. Take time to explore additional options.

Best Databases for Health and Wellness Topics

Reminder:  Library Subscription Databases offer: greater ability to easily determine ReliabilityAccess to content that might not be freely available legally, and Features that add value to searches and articles, that just searching the open web using a web search engine does not.


Health & Wellness (Nutrition, Biology)

Reminder: These are databases specifically for  the listed topics. If your topic is not directly Health & Wellness, there are many other Gale Databases you can try.  Gale "Power Search"  searches across all of our databases. It will produce a huge number of results, which means more work finding relevant results, but it will also create more opportunities for potential matches.


Health and Wellness Topics
Limit Your Results

Bad Science

4 Tips to Spot Bad Science Reporting (Above the Noise, PBS)

The Science News Cycle

When Reading Popular Science Journalism...

Remember that when putting complex scientific findings into terms for a layperson, levels of meaning can be lost. Remember also that the web and social media (and even traditional, standards-based, journalism) can be driven by need for 'clicks' and engagement, which can lead to sensationalist or 'Click-bait' headlines.


The Science News Cycle

Chan, Jorge. "The Science News Cycle." PHD Comics (Piled High and Deep), no. 1174, 18 May 2009,