Metro - Referred to the People of the Metro Region by the Metro Council.
A "yes" vote supports authorizing the Metro Council to impose a payroll tax not to exceed 0.75% on employers with 26 or more employees, excluding local governments, beginning in 2022 to fund infrastructure improvements and transportation programs.
A "no" vote opposes authorizing the Metro Council to impose a payroll tax not to exceed 0.75% on employers with 26 or more employees, excluding local governments, beginning in 2022 to fund infrastructure improvements and transportation programs.
(see "Note on Voters Guides")
Note: anyone may file an argument in the voters pamphlet, rules and fees for doing so are here (Multnomah County), and here (Statewide). Rules for for what is prohibited are here . Postings are not Checked or Edited for accuracy.
Note: on rare occasions, citizens will file "Arguments in Opposition" as "Arguments in Support" (and vice versa) but phrased in a way as to resemble the type filed as.
Example: "Vote YES on Measure 24-601 if you think STEALING bread from hardworking small business owners should be legal."
(see "Note on Voters Guides")