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Community Summer Reading 2024


Rams Read 2024

Central Catholic High School Community Summer Reading

All Students* will Read Two Books.
1 Free Choice Book
1 Community Read

Choose and read one book that you want to read, in good faith... 

...that it will enrich you and/or bring you joy. 

...that you have not it read before, and will read it in the summer.

...that you will feel comfortable sharing with others. 

...that it is a good fit for who you are as a person and a reader.

The Lemon Tree, by Sandy Tolan

Cover of The Lemon Tree

Free Choice Books will be discussed and assessed in the first 2 weeks of school in English Classes The Lemon Tree will be assessed and discussed in Theology and/or Social Studies Classes in the second half of September.

* Honors and AP English students will read an additional assigned book for at total of 3 books.

More About The Lemon Tree

The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East is a biography and memoir written by Sandy Tolan and published in 2006. Against the backdrop of the first Arab-Israeli War’s 50th anniversary, American journalist Sandy Tolan travels to the Middle East to research his assignment. Through the biography, Tolan aims to highlight how two families on opposite sides of the conflict—the al-Khairis and the Eshkenazis—are connected on a level that transcends both faith and human fallibility.

CCHS Database Links for more information about the Middle East

(note: all databases require passwords found on a Google Doc accessible by CCHS Community members)