Science in Context
provides contextual information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics & millions of full-text articles from national and global publications.
Biography in Context
Biographical Information, Images, Websites, News and More. Search with the search box, or browse this list of Scientists.
Most, but not all, of the Scientists on your List have at least one Biographical Article in this Database.
Please have a Citation (not just a link) for each of your sources. Citations describe the source that you used.
The GALE Databases and EBSCO databases on this page all include an MLA 8th edition citation for their articles. You can copy and paste those, as they are generally 90%+ correct.
If you use a website source (that you find via Google or another search engine), you will need to attempt to make a citation on your own, either using OSLIS or following the guidelines listed HERE.